• Department Updates: We had a few department updates: Integrative Biology has formed a student of color caucus within their department to address issues within IB about their curriculum, inclusion policies, and experiences of students of color. The group Physicists for Inclusion, is seeking to connect with CGE about potentially helping them develop more interdisciplinary curriculum that focuses on representation and inclusion; The School of History, Philosophy, and Religion has been having office standards problems due to pollution going directly into their office in Hovland. Stewards from Kelley Engineering, Graf, Cordley, and Burt/Wilkinson also have been experiencing poor workplace conditions. Finally, College of Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences is undergoing a Title IX review, and the results might become public information for department grads.
  • AFT-OR Convention Update: We had report-backs from the delegates that attended AFT-OR Convention (the annual general congress of our parent union and all the local affiliated unions). Personal testimonies included people feeling that convention was a lot of fun and had the benefit of giving people a chance to really build relationships with their fellow unionists. People also expressed that it was educational, and brought them into contact with other kinds of workers that they would not have the opportunity to connect with otherwise. There was also an acknowledgement of the frustrating moments in convention, which boils down to how difficult it can be to pass resolutions and have constructive debate- but this was countered with an acknowledgement of how much we were able to accomplish as a state-wide federation and the beneficial resolutions that were passed.
  • Resolutions passed: Our union was able to pass one of its own resolutions which directs AFT-OR to partner with non-profit housing cooperatives in the hopes of stimulating housing cooperatives in Oregon. This resolution also called for AFT-OR to relegate a minimum of $25k to a fund that members can apply for if they are needing additional funds to help them start a housing cooperative.


      • Resolutions were passed to fight sexual harassment in the workplace, secure health care access for all including members who are trans, advocate against the presence of ICE agents in all educational areas (meaning not just school sites but also bus routes for people going back and forth from school) and oppose the arming of school faculty and staff, and to change from annual conventions to bi-annual conventions.
      • Full list available at https://www.aft.org/about/resolutions


  • Steward Retreat Plans: After much conversation, the Steward Council make the following decisions concerning a Steward Retreat:


      • The retreat will take place during the Fall term instead of prior to Fall term;
      • The retreat will be less expensive than in year’s past;
      • The retreat itself will focus more on relationship-building than on training;
      • A History of CGE orientation will be given before the end of Spring term;
      • A How to Do Department Orientations will be given prior to Fall term in early September


  • Feedback on Steward Council:


    • Outgoing Stewards noted the positive changes within the Steward Council with the creation of our new Steward Communications Committee, noting that it now feels like the Stewards have more ownership over the body.
    • It was also noted that the timing of elections could be hindering members from getting involved in the Steward Council, as one Steward expressed that they feel that they first became involved in CGE once they learned they were nominated as a Steward which happens towards the end of the year, and then once serving on the council they felt like toward the middle of the year they became comfortable on the Steward Council but now they are graduating and their time was very limited as a Steward. Therefore, the idea was proposed that the elections for Stewards happens in the middle of the year, so that current Stewards can have more time mentoring incoming Stewards, and incoming Stewards will have more time to get adjusted to being on the Steward Council for the following year.

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