General Members (for GRAs and GTAs)

Joining CGE is easy. Just complete the online membership form by clicking here. Once you complete the form, you’ll receive a confirmation email at your OSU email account. Be sure to open that email and follow the link to confirm and find out ways to become an active CGE member.

Graduate Employees who become General Members contribute 2% of their salary to cover the costs of negotiating and defending our contract. After signing up, dues are automatically deducted from your OSU paycheck each month.

Associate Members (for Fellows/Self Funded Grads)

If you are not on a GTA/GRA you can still be an Associate Member of CGE. Associate Members have all the same rights and privileges as full members (besides voting on contract ratifications), including the ability to serve as a Steward or Executive Council officer. Monthly dues for Associate Members is $10 and all funds go toward CGE’s HARDSHIP FUND. Sign up using this online associate member form. NOTE: you will receive a confirmation email with a link to CGE’s PayPal subscription service. Your membership will not be processed until you’ve set up a PayPal account!

Legacy Members (for CGE Alumni & Supporters)

To celebrate 20-years of CGE we are launching a new membership category.  Are you a CGE Alumni or supportive community member that wants to see CGE keep organizing and fighting for graduate workers at OSU for another 20-years? Then Legacy Membership is for you! Sign up to be an Legacy Member of your grad union here. All Legacy Membership dues will go directly toward CGE’s HARDSHIP FUND!

Member Handbook

After you’ve signed your membership form, check out our new Member Handbook to help direct you to important union resources and general information about CGE.