Looking for ways to get involved with your union and make your voice heard in our actions and priorities? Committees are a meaningful but low time-commitment way that members can make a direct impact on their union. We have openings on a ton of committees; short descriptions and points of contact below – shoot us an email to get involved!

AFT-Oregon delegation: interested in the labor movement, or in making changes in how our parent union, the American Federation of Teachers – Oregon, operates? Join the party of delegates we’re sending to the state convention (April 2025) and help us craft amendments and resolutions that directly affect the Oregon labor movement! Email our President (president@cge6069.org)!

Conduct Policy committee: after 23 years, our union still has no conduct policy on how we want to treat each other within our community – let’s make one together! If you’re interested in working together to form this important living document, email our President (president@cge6069.org)!

Constitutional Amendments committee: each year, this committee convenes to discuss our union’s constitution and bylaws (yeah, we have those!) and propose changes to improve them. Membership votes on these changes at the Winter General Membership Meeting, so this is a short-term commitment with major impact. Interested in crafting our union’s policies for years to come? Email our President (president@cge6069.org)!

Finance committee: How can we responsibly steward our union’s money for the future? Where does our money go, and why? If you’re interested in finances, budgets, and building money management skills, join the Finance committee! Email our co-Secretary-Treasurer (treasurer@cge6069.org)! 

Grievance committee: When OSU violates our contract, grad employees can file a grievance to get resolution through a formal process. The Grievance committee provides support to grads experiencing contract violations and helps them navigate the grievance process. The grievance committee will also discuss the escalation of grievances, arbitration, contract education, and more. This is a great opportunity to gain experience in contract language enforcement and the grievance process. If you are interested in joining this committee, contact our VP for Grievances (vp_grievances@cge6069.org)

Hardship Fund committee: our CGE Hardship Fund is administered by grads just like you who are passionate about helping those in need! This committee helps recruit additional funding and donations to our Fund, and works together to determine how funding is dispersed each term. Interested in serving? Email our Operations Staff, Alexis (operations@cge6069.org)!

Social Activities committee: The Social Activities Committee plans events for the union to foster community and have fun! These events include yearly barbecues, movie nights, craft nights, and more! If interested, email our VP for Social Activities (activities@cge6069.org)

Brew Off committee: This event is so big, it gets its own committee! The June Brew-Off is CGE’s biggest annual event and has traditionally been a home brewing competition between OSU and the University of Oregon’s union, GTFF. If interested, email our VP for Social Activities (activities@cge6069.org)