Andrew Scherer (he/him)
I am a second year graduate student studying physical oceanography in the College of Ocean, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences (CEOAS). I am excited to continue the strong legacy of graduate student organizing at Oregon State University by serving as a union steward and bargaining team member for this year. Outside of work, I am an avid climber, a regular at Common Fields trivia night, and enjoy spending time with my dog, cat, and partner.
Ashton Cummings (she/her)
I’m a 4th year in Biological & Ecological Engineering with research focused on algal biofuels! I joined the EC as VP of grievances to hold OSU accountable to our collective bargaining agreement and protect graduate employees. I find great community in the union (:
Brandi Whiteman (she/her)
I’m a 5th year Mathematics PhD student. I joined the bargaining team in 2020, served as VP of bargaining for 2021 and co-VP of bargaining for 2022. This year, I’m looking forward to being a lead negotiator at the table! I enjoy being active in CGE and getting others excited about union organizing, spending time with my doggo and two kitty cats, long walks, and wine

Jerry Sun (he/him)
Hi everyone! I’m Jerry, a 6th year PhD student in the physics department. As your secretary-treasurer, I work to make sure that your dues are tracked and used responsibly! In my free time, I like to do nerdy things like play video games (right now it’s mostly Path of Exile), watch anime, and play Magic the Gathering. I also like playing music, volleyball, and cooking. I am proud to take part in the work that our union does and hope that we continue making strides towards securing better contracts and working conditions for all. Grad school should be hard for the right reasons! Also I have a pet bunny named Coco who is very cute.
Kaelan Weiss (he/him)
I’m a 3rd year PhD student studying physical oceanography. I joined the CGE bargaining team because, as graduate employees, we are a necessary part of making OSU successful. Our pay and benefits should reflect this reality. The full contract reopener this year is a great opportunity to secure the protections and compensation for graduate employees that we deserve! Outside of CGE, I enjoy reading (labor history!), surfing, and playing the guitar.
Lizard Flud (they/them)
I’m Lizard (they/them) and I’m a second year MA student in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
I’m on the b-team and the contract action team, and I’m also a member organizer trained by the American Federation of Teachers! I come from queer community organizing (doing gay stuff), and my research focuses on Indigenous gay stuff.
I’ve been active in CGE since last year, and got really involved this year because it’s a bargaining year!! I love being on the Contract Action Team because we get to do very cool radical stuff. We need more CAT members and more member leaders so reach out if you want to get more involved!!

Luke Nearhood (he/him)
My name is Luke (he/him) I’m a second year physics Ph.D. student. My research interests are pretty broad, but right now I’m focusing on physics education research. I got involved in CGE when I started at OSU in the fall of 2022. Because I believe unions are one of the best ways we can create positive change. I discovered a passion for the exciting world of contract language and joined the bargaining team. Now I’m coordinating the efforts of our incredible bargaining team through our full contract reopener this year. In my (limited) free time I enjoy reading, writing, and wandering aimlessly.
Piper Aislinn (she/they)
I’m a 3rd year PhD student in the physics department studying ultrafast magnetic dynamics and spin wave manipulation for low-energy computing. But more importantly, I’m a cat mom, unionist, gardener, teacher, and writer. I joined the bargaining team because I want to directly impact grad workers’ wellbeing and push back on the exploitative norms of grad school. And also because I’m a huge nerd for contract language When I’m not working I like to be outside or cozy on the couch crocheting and watching Critical Role.
Vic Quennessen (she/they)
Hi all, my name is Vic (she/they) and I’m a 4th year PhD in the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences department, studying sea turtles. I’m on the bargaining team to help win a better contract, especially for the most vulnerable employees, like those that are paid the least, international grads, and working parents, to make sure that everyone can work in a safe, dignified workplace for a living wage.