In attendance: Stephanie Parreira, Vance Almquist, Thomas Morrill, Zhian Kamvar, Clint Mattox, Kris Osterloh (late!); Ashley Bromley, Angela McClendon

Meeting called to order at 5:35 PM

Minutes from 1-5-2016 – Approved, with a date correction

Email Decisions – (1) Approved mileage reimbursement for Zhian for PSU home visits. (2) Approved all-member email about GMM and health insurance info event.

Health Insurance Info Event – This is happening TOMORROW at 5:30 in KEC 1003. Clint will email a reminder to the Stewards and Social Lists.

LBL-CLC Meeting – This is tomorrow at 7 PM in Albany. Clint is unable to attend because he’ll be presenting a bill in the ASOSU House. Unfortunately no one else on the EC is available to go this month.

Social Hour – Our first social hour of the term is scheduled for this Thursday at 5 PM. Ashley had planned to anchor but will be busy with a B-Team meeting. Stephanie will be first anchor at 5 PM, Zhian will join her after his seminar is done, and then Ashley will join after the B-Team meeting. Ashley will be in charge of the promo emails/posts/etc.

AFT-Oregon Awards & Scholarships – The application/nomination deadline for these annual awards in January 31st. We will tell our membership about them later this week (the next time we send an all-member email reminder about the GMM).

CGE Survey – Stephanie will edit this tonight so we can do it!

Bargaining Turnout – Our first session is scheduled! It’s next Monday the 25th, 2 – 4 PM, in the McLean Room here at Westmin. The officers will contact their stewards about turning out their departments. We want LOTS of members to attend to get a strong start to this round of bargaining. We’ll give flyers with the bargaining schedule to everyone we see on office visits, and also give stacks of them to the stewards to put in their department mailboxes. Stephanie is excited about making a fb event and live-tweeting the session. Zhian suggests using #FAIRERosu for all our tweets and fb posts.

Board of Trustees Meetings – These will be next Thursday and Friday, the 28th and 29th. We don’t know the specific agendas yet, although they should be posted in the next few days. The 28th is our Winter GMM, so some of us will be pretty busy preparing for that. We’ll talk about this again at next Tuesday’s EC meeting.

GMM – This is next Thursday the 28th at 5:30 PM at the Senior Center.

  • Agenda: Convention delegate elections, bargaining update, Convention resolution/amendment ideas, and the Friedrichs case.
  • Menu: Taco bar! We plan to do shopping on Wednesday the 27th. We’ll figure the rest out next Tuesday.
  • Turnout: We’ll send an all-member email this Thursday or Friday. Ashley will send individual reminders on Wednesday the 27th. Vance suggests a condiment contest; we’ll further develop this idea over email.

PhD Movie Debrief – The turnout was low, unfortunately. Also, the popcorn situation was stressful because it’s really hard to make a lot of popcorn quickly with the capacity of our machine.

AFT-Oregon Amendments & Resolutions – Clint has been working with Shannon Andrews, Stephanie, and Kris on coming up with resolution ideas for CGE to submit to AFT-OR Convention. One that Shannon brought up is related to the process of AFT’s political endorsements; some folks at GTFF are also working on this so Kris recommends we work with them instead of coming up with our own proposal. Clint wants to push again for the percaps reform we tried to get last year. Stephanie wants to write resolutions about (1) removing the Congressional block on research into gun violence and (2) training/education about implicit biases. Shannon’s also interested in a resolution to create a public campaign about the importance of and funding of public education. The resolution committee will meet to continue working on these. Kris and Clint are confident that we’re going to have some great resolutions! At the GMM, we’ll present titles and context, ask the membership for feedback, and let them know that the Steward Council will review and vote on the full text at their February 16 meeting, which interested members are welcome to attend.

ASOSU Legislation re: BOT – Clint has co-written a resolution for ASOSU to endorse Charlene McGee for the vacant seat on the BOT. It will be presented to the House tomorrow; if approved will go to the Senate; if approved will go to the President (who has threatened to veto it). [Related: At last week’s meeting, the Steward Council approved a letter to Governor Brown expressing CGE’s support for McGee to be selected.]

Game Night Debrief – Great turnout! This was last Friday at Woodstock’s. Some people have requested more game nights. We will think about this for a future term.

Steward Council Meeting Debrief – The turnout was low. We think the method of asking for RSVPs might make some stewards think they aren’t expected to attend all the meetings. We might need to work on re-wording this. We got kind of bogged down in parts of the agenda and didn’t get to complete it. We need to remember to provide in advance any context or background needed for the stewards to make the decisions we ask them for.

AGEL Call Debrief – Clint participated in this last week with 4 or 5 other people. There were some local updates and some discussion about the Friedrichs hearing and Spring AGEL planning.

AFT Western Region Meeting Debrief – Kris went to San Francisco for a meeting of the presidents of AFT locals in our region. He thinks it was a very good meeting, except for the absurdly expensive hotel it was held in. He participated in workshops (and brought back a lot of info) about member engagement, overcoming apathy, creating local member-to-member outreach plans, building workplace structures that support ongoing activism. Kris will write up some more of his thoughts later as well, with the aim of creating a solid steward training program.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM

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