In attendance: Thomas Morrill, Zhian Kamvar, Vance Almquist, Clint Mattox, Chris Mihiar, Kris Osterloh; Ashley Bromley, Angela McClendon

Meeting called to order at 5:35 PM

Minutes from 10-20-2015 – Approved

Email Decisions – (1) Approved all-member email about AGEL and Brew-Off. (2) Approved AGEL Thursday dinner $30 cash meal allowance. (3) Approved transfer of funds to checking account.

Online Tax Payment ­– The EC approves Angela paying the October federal payroll taxes online.

Brew-Off Debrief – There were fewer homebrews this time, because the GTFF unfortunately was unable to bring many brewers. We ran out of homebrew pretty quickly (like always) but had lots of donated backup beer. It was really fun having costumes, but the actual contest part was very disorganized and would need to be better planned if we’re going to do that again. However, having the Brew-Off at Halloween is not something we’ll try to do in the future – the GTFF basically rejected it, and October is too early to easily organize the Brew-Off.

GMM Debrief – We need to form an election committee to count ballots. Thomas, Zhian, and Kris will stick around after this meeting to do that. Clint thinks the online check-in system was good and the food was great. Turnout was pretty good. We haven’t had time yet to review all the table-group notes on the bargaining conversation, but from the short debriefs at the GMM, there were lots of good ideas.

AGEL Debrief – It was very challenging to have it at the same time as the GMM and Brew-Off. Vance really enjoyed learning from other grad locals. Vance heard good feedback about the home visits for PSU grad organizing; visiting AGEListas were inspired to take similar organizing ideas home. The workshop “Sexual violence training on the job and in the classroom” was kind of confusing; it seems that all grad assistants at UO are mandatory reporters, but only some grad assistants at OSU are, so we could use more information and training about how that would work here. Ashley participated in the workshop “Translating grad labor activism into your future career” and thought it was great to see so many people interested in organizing careers. In the organizing clinic, Vance learned about the necessity of passing along institutional memory and having more than one repository for it (a backup system for our “bus people”). Chris and Clint participated in the workshop called “Trigger Talk” where they took part in a cool exercise on social justice. Kris’s workshop “Building community within and without of our local unions” had lots of good pictures of community events from CGE and GTFF. Vance thought there was some good information in the workshop “Academic freedom & the corporatization of higher education” although there wasn’t much conversation, more like a lecture. After dinner, Clint participated in the AGEL business meeting where each local gave updates on what’s happening. Ashley got a lot of complimentary emails and texts from attendees who thought the conference was great.

Oregon AFL-CIO Convention Debrief – Kris attended this in Seaside two weekends ago. It was a lot like a bigger version of AFT-Oregon’s convention with resolutions and committees. AFT-OR got a resolution passed that OR AFL-CIO will support extending SNAP benefits to grad employees. US Senator Jeff Merkley and OR Governor Kate Brown were there (Brown was endorsed in her candidacy for governor). There was a debate between candidates for OR’s Secretary of State (prev BOLI Commissioner Brad Avakian, OR Senator Richard Devlin, and OR Rep Val Hoyle). There was a panel and workshop on racial justice. Kris highly recommends CGE continue to send people to these conventions. Clint will work on a bylaws amendment proposal for Winter or Spring GMM so that we’d be able to have delegate elections that feel valid (currently, the timing doesn’t work because so few grads are employed over the summer).

Steward Council Meeting – The next meeting is Tuesday the 10th. We have a few steward appointments to be confirmed. We’ll check in on how department meetings are going. Ashley will check in with the committee working on a recommendation for how CGE should handle political/resolution-type requests. We’ll also call for an organizing committee to begin work on some ideas we have. Vance will make a shopping list by Saturday evening; Clint will shop on Sunday or Monday; Thomas, Zhian, and Ashley will cook Tuesday. Tomorrow, Vance will email the stewards list to announce the meeting and request agenda additions.

Trivia Night/Social Hour – Both are scheduled for this Thursday. We’ll move Social Hour to 6 PM and Trivia Night is scheduled for 7 PM. Zhian is working on questions; Clint will proofread. We have some leftover beverages from AGEL that we’ll bring. Zhian will email the social list tonight and create the fb event. Zhian will email the social list again on Thursday. Ashley will make sure we have popcorn and oil for the popper. [To consider at a later meeting: Vance feels like the Social Hours have been rather poorly attended and thinks we should revisit whether it’s a good use of our time to continue having them.]

November Legislative Hearing – Kris emailed us about the legislative hearing on school governance on November 16. This would be a great time to talk about any aspect of OSU leadership, especially the need for grad employee seats on the Boards of Trustees. Shannon from AFT-OR signed Kris up for a timeslot to testify, but he cannot attend due to a conference; Thomas will go in his place.

Co-Sponsor Events with ASOSU – We got a request from GATFD Jeff Baxter asking to partner on some informational sessions in Winter Term (eg, on doing taxes, repaying student loans, or finding housing). Clint volunteers to meet with Jeff and see how he envisions CGE helping.

All-Member Email – Ashley will draft an email about these things:

  • Results of GMM votes and link to GMM notes blog post (which Angela will get up tomorrow).
  • Trivia Night!
  • FYI about Million Student March on Nov 12 (info we got from Sam from ASAP! – a march happening at almost 100 locations across the US to demand tuition-free college, student debt forgiveness, and $15 minimum wage for all campus employees).
  • Leftover Brew-Off glasses can be picked up by members who were unable to get one at the event. (Many people who pre-ordered tickets weren’t told (and didn’t see the sign saying) they should go through a separate entrance line where their glasses were being held, so they went through the general admission line and we have quite a lot of glasses that came back to the office.)

Health Insurance Info Session – Clint has been in contact with Rachel from SHS about having a CGE health insurance info/question-answer session. He’ll ask Rachel for 5:30 PM on Monday, Nov 23.

Ed Ray Meeting – Clint will schedule our Fall Term meeting.

Pint Glasses – The EC approves Kris researching how to remove the design we decided against from the original pint glasses (we were too late to cancel the shipment).

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM

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