In attendance: Thomas Morrill, Béatrice Moissinac, Alisha Jones, Shannon Andrew, Gloria Ambrowiak, Kris Osterloh, Drew Hatlen; guest member Stephany Chacon; Ashley Bromley, Angela McClendon


Meeting called to order at 10:05 AM

Social List – A lot of people don’t understand how email listserves work. The EC decided to put the Social List on emergency total moderation for a brief time until the flood of unsub requests goes away.

Minutes from 10-1-2014 Meeting – Approved

Email Decisions – (1) Approved sending a personalized informational email to BU non-members about ratification. (2) Approved doorbell purchase for upstairs/downstairs offices.

Health & Safety – Stephany is the CGE delegate on the OSU Health & Safety Committee. Here’s some information she was asked to share with us: (1) It’s really important for CGE to continue appointing someone to the CGE seat. (2) It’s really important for people to report when incidents happen. Either you or your supervisor should be filling out reports as soon as incidents happen.

Steward Council Debrief – This was on Monday. Turnout was pretty good. The food was excellent (thanks, Ashley!). Ashley compiled everyone’s personal goals and Drew will send out the meeting notes.

ExplOregon – There was a Mary’s Peak hike last Saturday and turnout was great! About 15 people went. It was a really clear day so they had excellent views.

Ratification – (1) Final turnout push: Thomas sends a super-brief all-member email reminder right now… Sent! It’s super effective. (2) Rati-PIED: The EC approves using some funds from the Social Discretionary line to get some pies and pizzas (up to $100 total).

GMM – (1) Menu: Soups and salads! With some breads and honey butter. (2) Turnout plan: This Friday the 10th, we’ll make the fbook event. On Monday the 13th, we’ll send an all-member email (including the GMM and tuition billing issues). (3) Here’s the agenda we have so far: membership update, office changes, tuition remission with Sherm, Brew-Off, family task force/caucus update, budget update, fair share challenge update, a word from GTFF?, CGEU constitution ratification.

Office Visits – These are happening throughout the next two weeks. Ashley has sent out a link for shift sign-ups. Pick some! 

Accountability Check-In – Organizing: orientations almost done; more stewards continually added; 1st SC happened; GMM being planned. Social: 1st ExplOregon was good; began organizing intramural teams. Bargaining: contract ratification is currently up for vote; GATF director to assistantship (Drew will set up meeting with ASOSU prez Taylor); split up bargaining and grievances (not this year); department head meetings (Thomas & Ashley will try to talk with departments having tuition issues). Communications: decided to remove the goal of 200 twitter followers; opt-in text reminders for events (Ashley/Kris will research); Kris will send fall events to Barometer calendar. Financial: audit is now in progress (Larry will be here the 21st). External Relations: Alisha’s been participating in AGEL calls and CLC meetings; Ashley investigated kids’ sports team sponsorship but it was not clear how to do it and now it’s not seasonal; CGE is sending several people to the AGEL conference; Ashley is working on Adopt-A- Highway. AFT-OR: Kevin is thinking about percaps; we need to remember to stay in touch with Lizz since she’s still on the AFT-OR EC. Brew-Off: the committee is really on top of things this year; shirt and glass designs are finalized; lots of brewers have signed up; Ashley/Lauren have been working with GTFF.

Graduate Student Advisory Group – Shannon got an email from Brenda McComb requesting a CGE representative for a quarterly committee. Shannon is willing to be that person!

BU Status for Fellows – There are lots of grads who are “on fellowship” on paper but are basically employed by OSU in the same way as GTAs and GRAs – without the contract protections. This is potentially a big grievance. Additionally, there are lots of grads who are on “real” fellowships (eg, NSF grants) who we wouldn’t really be able to legally represent but could still advocate for. When we do office visits these next couple weeks, we will deliberately talk with fellows, too, about how we can try to work together for fee relief.

Social Hour & Bowling – These are happening next Wednesday, the 15th. Social hour will be at Bombs at 5 and then bowling at the MU at 7. Gloria will check in with the MU to confirm availability. Gloria will advertise on the fb group.

Conflicts of Interest – Drew is now working for ASOSU and this has raised some concern among the EC about potential conflict of interest. Following our policy, Drew will write up a statement about the situation for the next EC meeting. (This reminds us that all the officers need to sign all the policies. We’ll add this to next week’s agenda.)

Alta Gracia – There are some workers from Alta Gracia who will be in town to speak. USAS has asked us to assist in the event by sending information and possibly reserving a room. Ashley will look into availability here at Westm.

Meeting adjourned at 12:05 PM

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