2023-2024 Stewards

Ag Botany & Plant Pathology
Joseph Gagne
Andreas Guerrero

Animal & Rangeland Sciences
Kayla Ruth

Applied Economics
Charlie Thompson

Biochemistry & Biophysics
Tilotamma Chatterjee
Hannah Stuwe

Biological & Ecological Engineering
Ashton Cummings

Zia Cooper
Joachim Schuder

College of Agricultural Sciences Administration

College of Business – Departments

College of Engineering – Administration

COMES – Astoria

Communication Studies Department

Crop & Soil Science
Maddy Duong
Indira Kulkarni

Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences Departments
Sarah Beethe
Kendra Herweck
Andrew Scherer
Kaelan Weiss

Education Administration

Environmental & Molecular Toxicology
Mireia Roig-Paul

Environmental Sciences

Fisheries & Wildlife
Katie Kennedy
Scott Mitchell
Vic Quennessen

Food Innovation Center

Food Science & Technology
Syndey Baumgardner

Forest Ecosystems & Society

Forest Engineering, Resources, & Management
Paige Byassee

General Agriculture

Graduate School Administration

Edwin Harris
Rion Mooneyham
Andrea Retano
Abram Smith

Integrative Biology
Maya Feezell
Cheyenne Jarman
Lauren Schreck
Sarah Sellke
Danielle Whalen

Liberal Arts Administration

Austin Bosgraaf
Christopher Cericol
Jeremy Lilly

Caroline Hernandez

Pharmacy Professional

Piper Aislinn
Jeremy Baier
Brett Clark
Augustin Griswold
Noah Vaughan

School of Chemical, Biological, & Environmental Engineering

School of Civil & Construction Engineering

School of Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering
Grey Brady
Tamara Koledin

School of Nuclear Science & Engineering

School of Biological & Population Health Science

School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Colin Shea-Blymer
Jason Weber

School of History, Philosophy, and Religion
Majestik De Luz

School of Language, Culture, & Society
Hannah Boone
G Koffink
Liz Propst

School of Psychological Science

School of Public Policy
Gabby Poccia

School of Social & Behavioral Health Sciences

School of Writing, Literature, and Film
Lila Cutter
Casey Dawson
Case Pharr
Erika Stewart


Veterinary Biomedical Science
Isaac Schuman

Veterinary Clinical Sciences

Veterinary Teaching Hospital

Water Resources Graduate Program

Wood Science & Engineering

Become a Steward

Become a steward to increase your department or program’s representation in CGE and to help direct the efforts of our union!  You should especially consider joining the Steward council if your department or program is not currently represented on the Steward Council.

CGE holds regular Steward Council Elections (below) each Winter, but the CGE Executive Council is empowered to appoint stewards to vacant seats at any time.  The Executive Council may appoint additional stewards in already represented areas, as well. Contact our VP for Organizing at vp_organizing@cge6069.org if you’re interested in serving on the Steward Council.

Steward Handbooks

You can access the current CGE Steward Handbook here.

For stewards on the Steward Communications Committee, this SCC Handbook (open as google doc) is specifically meant for you in addition to the general Steward Handbook.

Grievance or direct action?

A steward is likely to hear from workers on every aspect of working conditions from comments like “I can’t work with people with an attitude” to problems of favoritism, job discrimination, or hazardous work assignments.  A steward must act in the role of preliminary arbitrator on such matters, and that takes real leadership.  In many cases, the steward has to decide what the union has the duty to take up a legitimate grievance and what the union does not have a duty to pursue.

If you can answer yes to any of the following questions, there is most likely merit to the workers complaint and it can be properly called a grievance.

  1. Has the contract been violated?
  2. Has there been a violation of federal, state or local labor law?
  3. Has there been a violation of past practice?
  4. Is it a violation of management’s rules?
  5. Is it a violation of an arbitrator’s decision?
  6. Has the workers’ health or safety been jeopardized?
  7. Has the workers’ professional license been jeopardized?

If the case is borderline, the steward should tell the worker that there is some question about the grievability and that he/she will consult with a Union Representative before proceeding.

There is nothing wrong with not knowing everything.  Stewards should not go out on a limb promising victory where you may not be able to deliver.  Rash promises hurt your credibility and label you unreliable.

A full document outlining what is and is not a grievance, how to organize direction actions from potential grievances, and a planning action form, is available here.

Schedule department meetings

CGE encourages stewards to arrange for department meetings or town halls with their cohort to discuss work matters and how they are a part of CGE. We have a food budget for these meetings, and can arrange for them to take place at Westminster House, where there is a full kitchen, comfy couches, and areas for dining.

If you wish to schedule a department meeting as a steward, please fill out this form.